miércoles, 9 de octubre de 2013

What does "Deep river" by Marian Anderson make you feel?

Marian Anderson had an amazing voice. She is characterized by her lowest voice, which is called contralto. This song is an anonymous spiritual that is the perfect example of that kind of music, because the lyrics refer to the freedom of the slaves, the Promised Land, the Jordan, and is linked to Jesus, and to Christianity. Although the context of the song refers that, nonetheless it can move you or translate you to a better place. Her sweetest voice with the lyrics of “Deep River” can make you feel relaxed, in peace, and perhaps that is the point of the song, but we will never know because is an anonymous song.
This song needs no more than the voice of Marian Anderson and the contribution of the piano to be sensational. Both are the perfect complement, the slowly rhythm simultaneously between her voice and the piano create a relaxing melody that can provoke in the audience a wonderful taste, a good sensation related with parsimony and tranquility.

Actually the song is about the feelings who had the people kidnaped from their home Africa, in the decades of the slavery, so this song is not about happiness or tranquility, but about the sadness of the African American people begin to God to returns them to their land. Notwithstanding, this can have a double sense because one may thing is a very sad and disappointed song while other may think is a charming and relaxing one. Finally one can say,  it depends on what the people perceives about it. For me, the song, the melody, along with the voice of Marian Anderson and with the company of the pianist it can take you to a state of tranquility, because of the sweetest touch she can give to the song.

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