miércoles, 9 de octubre de 2013

This essay is going to be associated with the relation between the religion and music, especially in the context of African American Music, like gospel and Negro Spiritual. It’ll have by scenery the work of JW Johnson and JR Johnson, which is called “The Books of American Negro Spirituals” and the history of gospel music.
Some people may think there’s no relation between music and religion, but this essay is going to explain what the links among these categories are. That’s why this problematic appears: does religion affect the kind of music you listen to or does it not? This paper will try to argue that in some cases like in the African American Music it does. Gospel music has much influence of religion aspects, and generally the African American music has a history which is involve in the culture and Christianity that is reveled in their lyrics.
When the African slaves arrive to America once they were kidnaped from their lands, leaving their lives, their culture, their tribe, and their all, brought with them a wonderful piece of the African culture as Johnson and Johnson say “The negro brought with him from Africa his native musical instinct and talent” (Johnson and Johnson, 1969, p. 17). The African Negro was abused in a labor sense, they felt like literally slaves and they discover the Christianity and found in here that there exists a God who can let them free of that abuse and cut the thread that their were attached.
The African American found in the Christianity a refuge, they found in the church a home. They combine their African talent with the Christianity and created with it a wonderful relief.  According to Johnson and Johnson “the Negro took complete refuge in Christianity, and the Spiritual were literally forged of sorrow in the heat of religious fervor” (Johnson and Johnson, 1969, p. 20). The Spiritual is highly influenced by the combination of African talent with Christian lines.
Once they found discover the Christianity they add a lot of that sense to their songs, they used the psalms and all they’ve learned in the church and in the Bible and they put it on their songs, this is just related by “the fact that the bible was the chief source of material for the lines of these songs” (Johnson and Johnson, 1969, p. 38).  
The Negro Spirituals reflect the sentiments of the American slaves who express the begins to God, the “Hallelujahs”, they were used for expressing personal feeling, and sometimes to express secrets messages, covert to their owners. “Therefore, only Christian slaves understood them, and even when ordinary words were”[1]. They associated many meanings from the Bible with their lives and their suffering for being a slave, and this can be shown in several songs. For example, “they had faith in God, and they associate it with the freedom of Israel” (Johnson and Johnson, 1969, p. 21), it means, they related the issue of Israel to their issue, both prayed for freedom and God save them.
Between 1865 and 1985 Gospel music showed those characteristics, and it can be seen in the lyrics of the songs, like “Swing Low Sweet Chariot” and “Heaven” by JoAnne Stephenson. Then Spiritual was evolving but Gospel music was created and taking new sceneries, for example, “the struggle for Civil Rights, in the 1960s, negro spirituals like “We shall overcome”, “Oh Freedom” and “This Little Light of Mine” used to be sung”[2] , but this gospel also expressed music with exalted melodies.
The Dixie Hummingbirds can be considered the perfect example of how much the religion affect the music, even in the present this group is still active and reflect in many of their songs the Christianity, that shows how does it remain from the epoch of the spirituals till the present.
Having all of this in mind, this essay argues that there is a close relation among the music and the religion, especially if it is related with the African American music. Nonetheless, there is no only with African American music, another kind of music reflect that, in some cases a genre reflect the absence of religion, which is a relation with religion too, it is the heavy metal, or reggaeton, these kind of music can´t be more away from religion, it is the opposite of gospel music, instead having a Christian message it has another way to see it, like secular or profane.
Finally and to conclude, the essay exposes reasons that explain a close relation between music and religion, which can’t be better showed that in the gospel music, which is based in lines of the Bible and mixes of African rituals songs with Christian songs and this kind of music is the example that try to answer why the religion affect the kind of music you listen to.
“A History of Gospel Music”. 2004. M, Norris. Accessed from http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=4233793
“Songs”, (s.f.). Negro Spiritual. Accessed from http://www.negrospirituals.com/
“The Books of American Negro Spirituals”. 1969. J. W., Johnson and J. Rosamond Johnson.  Da Capo Press. New York. Accessed from http://books.google.es/books?hl=es&lr=&id=cP-vouiZ0JsC&oi=fnd&pg=PA11&dq=the+books+of+american+negro+spiritual&ots=AyTiXbXTEC&sig=7mW9glaiLtxJ0NK7YjY5cwPB_5I#v=onepage&q&f=false

[1] See into http://www.negrospirituals.com/
[2] See into http://www.negrospirituals.com/

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