miércoles, 9 de octubre de 2013

Alicia Keys has a dream and it is one shared by all African American
The video illustrates the love story between a black woman and a White gentleman. It takes place in several scenarios, from the 1950’s which is greatly depicted by its scenery until the present. Not only do the backgrounds but also the great portrayals of the artist help to demonstrate the adaptation to the fifties with all details, which is no easy task.
In the video we can observe the situation that lovers live through. It shows that in every decade until the present the situation has not changed much. This is due to the fact that the oppression of the society and the family remained constant. Also, we could observe the scene where the couple, who is just trying to live their lives, is in a grocery store and they are observed by the people there who judge them, in a silent way.
 Unfortunately, through the years the relationship between a white and black people has been criticized, as in the 90’s when the video shows a fight between the brother of the black woman and her lover. Even in the present it is still extremely common to find interracial couples who are judged by the community around them.
Also, it teaches us to be more tolerant with the racial issue. No matter what color, gender or religious beliefs people should not be treated as that. The 1950’s are often depicted as the ultimate utopia of the American dream, white fences, happy families, but if one makes a quick research among the multimedia contents that remains of this apparently golden ages it is going to be sure that black families are not as represented as white ones, or not at the same level.
The 1950’s were fundamental in the struggle of the African Americans, it just brings to mind the memories of the bravery and courage of such men as Martin Luther King, whose speech “I have a dream” has long since been like a prayer for every citizen of the United States, remembering them that their great nation is founded under the principles of equality, justice and fraternity. Gone are the days in which black and white women could not share the same spot in the public buses, but there is still remaining of this dark years and “Unthinkable” can perfectly serve as one. The prominence of black women in every industry, including the music industry gives us clues about a bright future for African Americans. On the other hand we must never underestimate the power of reminders because cases as Trayvon Martin’s show a bitter side of the story. Even though scientists have widely proved that there’s no intellectual difference between black and whites the racist fallacy still very much present this days, not always in the form of murder or Ku Klux Klan but in the subtle subjects. Just taking a look of internet memes that show African American as less educated or polite (for example that ain’t nobody got time for that meme).
We know about the Obama’s, we have heard Ms and Mr Carter songs, we have cried with Oprah, but little de we know about common families, about the love and struggle history of couples such as the one that is showed in the video. Until the day we manage to look beyond the color we could never be a successfully society.

Unthinkable is a wonderful way of look at the black issue in North America, and understand todays dynamics in politics and life in general, there is no bigger triumph for the African Americans that having an including government and look at tomorrow with the nostalgia of the past but the hope in the future. 

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