martes, 26 de noviembre de 2013

Hip-hop Culture Inside White Society
Hip-hop culture was originated in United States as a way of expression of African American and Latin communities from New York City, specifically from the South Bronx. Hip-hop is an artistic conglomerate that contains several expressions of suburban arts, it is to say, hip-hop is characterized by graffiti, break dancing, rap music and turntablism or DJing.
Hip-hop culture has taken the entire world with his sounds, dancing and meanings. Although a big part of it is afro-centric, it has a wide reception in white people, especially in white teenagers. Why does this happen? It may be because many teenagers feel that rap music express issues of their own lives.
Although white people do not have ghetto-centric orientation they do have dysfunctional parent/child relations as well as most of black people have. Many white teens have an absence of a female or male figure, it could be because some of their parents died, because they abandoned them or mostly of the cases because they don’t spend enough time with their children and try to reward that with material things.

White teenagers feel that something is missing in their lives as well as many rappers express in the lyrics of their songs, so hip-hip culture as a form of social expression is receive for very different people, no matter their race. The best representation of this is the famous rapper Eminem, who is a white rapper and is very receipt for everybody not because who he is  but because of his amazing talent.

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